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Myrtle Beach recognizes our First in Service Employee of the Week

AUGUST 26, 2022

FIRST IN SERVICE FRIDAY ✨ Please help the City of Myrtle Beach congratulate Denise McKinney of our Financial Management and Reporting Department!
Denise was nominated by co-workers to be this week's First in Service Friday Employee of the Week. Denise is our senior accounting technician and has been with the city for almost 27 years. She keeps our city's wheels turning! She is one of two employees who pays the city's weekly bills. You can read her nomination below.
"Denise has been with the City for almost 27 years and has worked tirelessly to pay our bills and keep everything organized the entire time. She’s been able to master the new system in a short amount of time and fearlessly attacks huge piles of bills. She verifies that the necessary documentation is present, matched, and properly entered and then scanned. She will contact employees or vendors for additional information when needed, instead of just rejecting the request."
Thank you, Denise, for your dedication to Myrtle Beach. You are so appreciated!