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Beach renourishment project underway following a delay due to Hurricane Florence

Myrtle Beach is getting a new beach! Renourishment is underway as part of a $34 million project to put sand back on the Grand Strand's beaches. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, the contractor, is working northward from 24th Avenue North and southward from Withers Swash. 

The project covers approximately 10 miles of the city’s shoreline, where 804,000 cubic yards of sand will be placed on the beach to restore the protective dune system. The contractor works 24 hours a day, seven days a week during construction, usually completing 500 to 1,000 feet per day, barring mechanical or weather/sea condition delays. This means that active construction moves quickly and will only be in front of any particular area for two or three days, at most.

Pipelines running along the beach outside of the fenced area can safely be crossed where the contractor places crossover sand ramps over the pipes. The public should keep away from lines and only cross them at the sand crossovers. Once work begins, you can track the progress of the project in real time on the Charleston District’s web mapper (

Myrtle Beach received $24,928,500 in federal emergency funding through Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies (FCCE) to cover 100% of the beach fill element of the project. The city has requested state funding assistance for $450,000 in association with a South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism (SCPRT) Beach Re-nourishment Funding Assistance Grant to cover the dune restoration element (fencing and grassing). Many thanks to our federal and state lawmakers for their assistance.